Wednesday, November 2, 2016

O'Care Implosion (Anecdotal)

So got a call yesterday from a very nice lady who was looking for information on health insurance, and specifically an HSA plan. Seems she and her husband have been uninsured for several years, paid the tax penalty fine, but were thinking maybe it's time. She'd apparently been calling around, and no one was returning her calls.

I explained to her that if this had been a few short years ago, I would have been surprised, but that times have changed. Nevertheless, I was willing to see if we could help her out.

First, I completed a referral form to send to Cornerstone. She was concerned that, due to their ages, she and her husband would find premiums, even for an HSA-compliant plan, unaffordable. I think she was expecting me to pooh-pooh that, but of course I did not (could not). All I could say was that the fine folks at Cornerstone would do the best they could for her.

She had mentioned that they were self-employed, and that her husband was the minister of a small congregation. So I asked if they'd looked into a health care sharing ministry; she said they'd had a very bad experience with one such, and so I dropped that and asked if she was aware of the Direct Primary Care model.

She was intrigued.

So I offered to see if  we could help connect her with a DPC provider in her area, which was fine with her. I reached out to Dr Rob, of course, but also others I know in that field. Within a few hours I had a handful of leads for her, which I of course passed along.

I've asked her to keep me apprised of what she ends up doing; she's under no obligation to do so, of course, but I'm really curious to see how this turns out. Developments here as they occur.

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