Friday, November 11, 2016

On Veteran's Day 2016

[Jennifer Agnello, President of Cornerstone, has graciously granted us permission to share her profound, heart-felt thoughts on this day honoring those who've served]

"In honor of Veterans Day...

After a big week in our country, (no matter how you voted), tomorrow is a day where we should all be especially thankful.  In honor of Veterans Day, please take some time to remember that it is because of our veterans we all enjoy the freedom to express our own opinions and choose to vote however we individually see fit.  Please pause to recall the sacrifices that our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen have and will continue to make, serving our Nation where and whenever they have been called upon. These courageous and brave individuals have sacrificed family life, their careers and potentially their lives by willingly taking on the greatest responsibility, upholding our freedom.  They have voluntarily joined the ranks of America's Armed Forces, fully aware of their obligations as citizens and the risks they are taking in order to stand for what our country believes in and what it was founded upon.  They serve and have given their lives for the USA with courage and unquestioned commitment, for all of us.

Through their sacrifices they have secured for millions of others the blessings of freedom, democracy, and the unmatched opportunity that we enjoy in the United States today.

Please thank and/or remember those special folks.  Cornerstone has several employees who have served (Eric Pouncy, Hal Demmerle and Miles Massey) and many more have family members currently serving or whom have served in the past and they deserve to be recognized and respected.

We have chosen to give our own Veterans ½ day off on Friday afternoon to show our appreciation corporately.

Thank you to our employees and families for making this sacrifice.  We are grateful to you for allowing us to continue to live in a thriving, peaceful, FREE country.  Have a safe Veterans Day, and as always, God bless the United States of America.

...Please take the time to THANK A VETERAN

[Thank you, Jennifer. HGS]

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